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Affiliate Disclaimer

This Policy is valid from September 2021. is a collaborative website written by an eclectic group of individuals who see wellness as an intersection point of a good many discipline and lifestyle choices.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires websites who receive compensation for reviewing or promoting products to clearly state the nature of said compensation.

While many of the links on Vital Force Wellness will take you to articles and other online resources for educational purposes, some of the links to books, products, or services are affiliate referral links. This means that Vital Force Wellness may earn a commission at no additional cost to the user of this website.

We do this to curtail the expenses necessary to run a more complex type of high-traffic website. Running a website can be expensive as it becomes successful, and its daily user traffic grows. Affiliate compensation methods offset the costs allowing the sites contributors to keep their focus upon creating quality content.

Amazon Affiliate Program

Some of the contributors to Vital Force Wellness participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Vital Force Wellness endeavors to promote high-quality, long-lasting, useful products, which assist to bring about a reduction in consumption while increasing group and individual productivity and self-care skills.

Amazon is a shopping platform that elicits worldwide access to anyone anywhere. It is an excellent place to compare products and read reviews before making the decision of where and when to buy them.

We encourage you to support your local community vendor whenever possible! Seek out local nurseries for your seeds and plants. Seek out your local libraries and bookstores. Seek out local classes and teachers to meet and learn from like-minded folks right in your own community or region whenever possible.

Online shopping and learning are incredibly convenient and often afford opportunities that are not available locally. However, safeguarding a strong local economy while fostering regional business relationships remains vital and essential. We wish you well in effectively walking that fine line between convenience and conscientious consumerism.

Disclosure Statement

We may be compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other related topics as well.

Questions or comments are always welcome. Contact us anytime! ※